Author: Bob Willis
Chelmsford City WF in the EDGE
We were delighted to make our debut in the January 2022 edition of the EDGE, one of Chelmsford’s leading free…
Fantastic Walking Football Mini Tournament
Thank you to all of those who participated in (and supported) today’ club Chelmsford City Walking Football Mini Tournament. A…
CCWFC Mini Tournament
As regular playing members will know, we have our first club mini – tournament of 2022 on the 11th January…
Diary Dates 2022
CCWF 2022 Diary Dates Here are some of our important dates for this coming year, more details will be announced…
Chelmsford Walking Football Committee Meeting December 2021
I hope that you are all well. We had our regular CCWFC committee meeting today and as usual I thought…
Spirit of Christmas Tour
If you cant visit football this weekend then its time to relive or enjoy for the first time the thrills…
Walking Football Christmas Break
Sorry to say there will not be any training session on the following dates Tuesday 28th and Thursday 30th December…
EWF League Success – Players Tell The Story
Chelmsford City Walking Football pitch side Interviews on a windy day. Our CCWF players share their thoughts, sorry for the…
2021 Campions Reward
All four CCWFC sides have competed energetically throughout the 2021 EWFL season! The season has ebbed and flowed, but perhaps…
Goalkeepers Always in the Way
Last month we featured the second of six video with SP answering football related questions. Last weeks was on football…
Over 65 Playing In The Sun
What a great day for our over 65 team playing football in the sunshine on the final day of the…
Walking to Glory
Back and inside pages of the Essex Chronical tell the story of another success. Chelmsford City over 65’ Clarets are…
Almelo City Cup 2021 Success
Chelmsford City Walking Football were on the road in Holland this week playing in the Almelo City Cup. The first…
CCWFC AGM – Chairman’s Report
Our AGM was held at Chelmsford City Club House on Tuesday 21 September with the following report from the Chairman…
Chelmsford City Walking Football On Tour
On tour may be a slight exaggeration but players under the watchful eye of Gary Murphy made the journey to…
Chelmsford Walking Football Committee Meeting September 2021
We had our regular CCWFC committee meeting on Tuesday and as usual I thought it would be helpful to share…
Did Peter Score?
Some action from a Tuesday morning walking football session. Goals, saves and near misses. Slow motion action of double saves…
England Win in Guernsey
As you all know Colin Haydon has been named the 65s England Walking Football Captain after attending a selection session…
Footballer Superstitions
Last week we featured the first of six video with SP answering football related questions. Last weeks was on football…
Great Team Spirit
We played some great football against tough opposition. Unfortunately we lost 1-0 to Garons Park, 2-0 to Cheshunt and 1-0…
First Aid Helper
Gerry has put together a training sessions covering basic first aid with an introduction to what’s in the “Green Bag”…