Photo Gallery

Welcome to Chelmsford City Walking Football photo and video gallery, unfortunately we are missing our cups, trophies and medal ceremonies, we are just too modest to show off

Chelmsford City win 2022 Over 65′ Essex Walking Football League Again!!
CCWF & Leyton Orient players before the start of a friendly session
Heat of the action on the pitch with a pass to the wing man
Players tracking the player with the ball in a recent training session
Dream team of player with their Keepy Uppy talents on show see the
video linked to the photo its even funnier
Dirty windows as a direct result of the CCWF Keepy Uppy video competition
No one could forget the “Corona Virous Boogie” performed live at one House Party
by Spencer & Claire. it should have gone to number One. Judge for yourself and listen online
Bill H with his many great impersonations
Our resident comedian SP kept us all laughing
Chelmsford City “House Party” with music, comedy and the odd quiz
Like many groups under Covid we all moved online to keep people together
Monkey Hanger Football Tournament a great success
360 video and images our substitute for VAR
Video and images of Spencer scoring captured on 360 camera
One of our Teams relaxing at Almelo 2018
One of our Teams at Almelo 2018
CCWF Team on video location Shoot for a new TV show
CCWF Team on video location Shoot
Washday a thing of the passed with Covid
Washday a thing of the passed with Covid
All all love training as well as playing
Montage of many of the CCWF Family
Presentation to all of the House Party Prizes – A long time coming
Back playing football after the Covid lockdown
Chris & Bob trying to break in to the music business
CCWF Social Evening at the Chelmsford City Club House
CCWF Social Evening at the Chelmsford City Club House

All the team members and our supporters with our tour bus

The most important part of a team are our supporters in fine form

Player medals from the tournament

First injury on the tour, the new medical kit worked fine

Listen to the latest news from Chelmsford City Walking Football on their latest video with Bob Willis

Chelmsford City Walking Football off on a European Tournament in Almelo in the Netherlands, fully kitted up. Three of the City Team members were delighted to pick up kit bags to use on the trip sponsored by MKM Building Supplies. The bags were presented by Allan Davis of MKM who said he was happy to support the team and wished the team well in the tournament

Peter & Bob invited by the Essex FA to present the cup winners medals as special guests. Bobs memory of the night was just trying to keep warm as it was freezing cold, the smile is tryng to keep his teeth from chattering. ESSEX SATURDAY VETERANS CUP FINAL –
Wednesday 16 March 2016, 7.45pm Aveley FC

There is no way that Chelmsford City Walking Football goalkeepers are competitive!!!

CCWF Whites playing at North Weald in the Essex Walking Football Tournament

CCWF Clarets playing at North Weald in the Essex Walking Football Tournament

Chelmsford City Walking Football player in East Ham Walking Footy Tournament on Saturday 5th November. Here is the very happy team with cup and winners medals

CCWF supporters club members were in also attendance to cheer on their favorite players

The second Essex Walking Football Tournament was held in Braintree on 28th November, a very cold and windy day. Its part of the reason our players did not undress to the last possible 

It was cold but as always we had fun, not much sponsorship branding on show till game time 

Taking time in goal is not what most people want to do especially on a cold day 

First and last injury of the day to CCWF stand in keeper 

Action shots from Chelmsford City Walking Football Team at the first ever Essex Walking Football Tournament arranged by CCWF. All photos by Chris Manning

Chelmsford City WF Team playing at Uxbridge Amblers Walking Football Club in the Southern Regional Finals of the National Tournament

Chelmsford City Walking Football parading their new kit at the Chelmsford City ground

Teams preparing in the changing rooms at Chelmsford City ground

Team member discussing their plan for the day, how to keep dry in the rain

Our team tent provided a nice place to relax between matches

CCWF players modelling their new kit 

Keeping dry in the stand and debating some of the score lines

We were very please with our supporters who braved the wind and rain to support CCWF

A recent news story in the Essex Chronicle promotes our walking football activity and our partnership with Chelmsford City Football Club read the story and tell your friends to come and play

Below you will find recent photographs of team members doing what they do best, having fun trying to kick a ball around at high speed with some sort of control

Evening out for some of our team members in Maldon, Essex for the Walking Football United Tournament 2015. We are please to say we are now through to the next round and Essex Champions for the second year running

Find out more about Chelmsford Walking Football with our latest video

Made In Essex feature Chelmsford Walking Football read it all in the latest issue 

Team without the Bob with the camera 

The teams we played at Shooters were all younger than us, our excuse 

Cold and wet night at Shooters Tournament

CCWF team captain Mick being presented with our recent tournament trophy by Russ Fraser, Director of Football from Chelmsford City Football Club

CCWF players that formed two separate teams to play in our recent tournament

Players from all of the teams that attended the CCWF tournament held in February

Chelmsford City Walking Football Club in its first tournament part of the FA Peoples Cup competition playing three games. One win, one draw and one defeat, now we move on to our next challenge

Chelmsford Walking Football & Chelmsford City Football Club announce a new force in Walking Football in Essex – Chelmsford City Walking Football Club. A new kit is great news for the players

Children in Need tournament held at Shooters North Weald, Essex

CWF were in action again for Children in Need tournament held at Shooters North Weald, Essex in November. Playing football, what else and of course helping to raise money for the charity

Chelmsford Walking Football team was recently featured in the Essex Chronicle with a reported circulation of 26,000. Reporter Samuel Balls and photographer Gareth Morgan attending the South Eastern Tournament and produced a full page spread for the October 23rd edition which you can read here

Reporter Sam, a Spurs supporter, is seen above interviewing Phil Taylor one of the team

Chelmsford Walking Football Team who played in the South Eastern Tournament Playoff in October 2014

Our tournament teams ready for action and hungry for a match

Pre match discussion and team tactics for the match, notice how our shirt sponsors are all about food! 

Chelmsford Walking Football Team at a recent tournament held in Walton on Thames. Its fortunate that our goal keeper played a blinder. Like England we are not too good at taking penalties

Footballers are sometimes accused of not knowing which foot to kick the ball with. As you get older its also difficult to remember what sock to put on which foot, but we need a little reminder