Medical Emergency Action Plan

The Club has developed a Medical Emergency Action Plan (MEAP). This is intended to provide guidance to our players and visitors on what to do in the event of potentially life threatening injuries or illness.

The MEAP comprises a two page table of instructions, a route map to Broomfield Hospital A&E, and a site map of the Melbourne centre. These will be available at training sessions and home tournaments and will contain details of first aiders and helpers available at a particular event, and location of support facilities.

The MEAP is supplemented by a Medical Emergency Procedure Guide. This contains information on how to recognise life threatening conditions, and how to provide first aid in such situations.

These documents are attached herewith. As club members you have a duty of care to both yourself and the Club to be responsible for your own wellbeing. Whilst the procedures included are primarily to assist first aiders, it is hoped that you will become familiar with these; and that you will feel more confident of responding to an emergency situation.

It is also hoped that you may be encouraged to get involved in the provision of first aid. The Club offers the opportunity to all members to undertake first aid training, so that we have adequate cover at all training sessions and fixtures. If you would like to be involved please let us know so that the appropriate courses can be arranged. Even if you do not want to commit to training as a first aider, we need helpers to assist in emergencies, e.g. calling 999, fetching defibrillators and first aid equipment, etc.

by Gerry Howard