Chelmsford City WF Grows Bigger

In January 2021, we set ourselves the target of increasing our membership from the then 66 to 100 by March 2022. We revised this to 100 by September 2022 because of the impact of COVID.

I’m pleased to say that today we have 112 members, a net growth of 70%. The really pleasing thing is that we have significantly rebalanced across our age groups.

We now have 20 (18%) members who are 50-59;  26 (23%) 60-64; 27 (24%) 65-69; and 39 (35%) over 70.

I am also pleased that we are now running 3 training sessions a week , catering for both retired and working members. We are averaging 55 members attending training in any given week.

We have also entered 6 teams into the Essex Walking Football League for the first time, as well as 3 teams in the WFA national cup competitions. It is great that we now have an over 50 and 70 team in the league, in addition to our two over 60 and two 65 teams.

We have had the first meeting of the 8 team managers who will guide our competitive efforts in 2023 – this is another important step in creating greater collaboration and inclusion across the club.

The club continues to go from strength to strength, striking a great balance between recreational and competitive walking football. Thank you to everyone who has played their part in getting the club this far, the journey continues!

Chris Chairman CCWFC

Author: Bob Willis