Over 70s Team on the Road

Two years ago, Chelmsford City Walking Football Club  (CCWFC) pioneered the development of over 70s walking football in Essex , running 2 invitation tournaments. Today, we played our first games in the 70s Essex Walking Football League at Billericay Town in the EWFL league

It was a bit of a bumpy start, losing 5-0 to a very well drilled Little Oakley. However, things settled down and the team went on to beat Eastwood Falcons 2-0 (goals from Jim Prophet and Terry Buck , a goalless draw with Parrington , and a 3-0 win against Billericay with a hattrick for Chas Eaton

So, 7/12 points and a very good recovery from the first game. Congratulations to Tony Escott and Ray Rouse on managing their first league games and well done to captain Colin Wallington

Well done everyone that played today

Onwards and upwards!!

Chris Chairman CCWFC

Author: Bob Willis