90 club members and their families and friends turned out for our annual club quiz night.
15 teams battled a fantastic 10-round quiz run by Spencer and Bob with great support from Claire. Tina did a great job on the raffle.

In an extremely close contest, the winners on the night were ‘ Herd of Nerds’ – Mike Flack & Stuart Lomax’ team. (who generously donated their prize back to the Prostate Cancer UK appeal)
The runners up were ‘ Four midables’ – Alan Davis, Jim Hyslop, Alan Passmore, Andy Fairhead, and friends.
The full results were –
Team Name & Scores
Herd of Nerds 83
Four midables 81
Beat Alls 79
Badgers 79
Quizzie Rascals 77
Red Hot Trivia Peppers 74
Google It 71
New Kids on the block 69
Eeinstiens Children 68
Prudence Quizwalker Revival 67
Sagla Louts 67
Diasterminds 65
Quizlamic Extremists 65
Scrambled Eggheads 59
Manzies 57
The best team name went to ‘Quizzie Rascals’ – Jim Prophet , Vince Southon, Chris Jullings, and their partners.
Of course, the big winner on the night was Prostate Cancer UK – we raised £635 from the raffle, bringing our total over the last 3-4 years to £7135.
The laugh of the night came when Spencer asked the question ‘ which country sold Alaska to the USA’ and in the pin drop silence , ‘Russia’ echoed out from behind the bar. Niki got a point and we charged her £8 to enter!
Thank you to everyone who supported the night and donated raffle prizes, you are what this club is all about.
As we say ….. walking football is more than kicking a ball.
Another great night!!
Chris Chairman CCWFC